Extreme Heat
This represents the kind of heat one faces when passing
too close to a star, or on the surface of worlds with think
atmospheres such as Freya. It works similar to the heat rules as
detailed on page 444 of the core rulebook, except that characters
must make Fortitude saves every round during such exposure. Failure
means they suffer 1d6 damage. What is more, flammable objects must
also make checks or catch on fire.
Extreme Cold
While the weather on planetary surfaces can be downright
frigid, the depths of space are even colder. This is similar to the
rules for cold detailed on page 442 in the core rulebook, except that
characters must make Fortitude saves every round or suffer damage.
Low and Zero Gravity
Some planets have very little gravity when compared to
Homeworld, and deep space has none at all save what is provided by an
aethership. Others, of course, have a much stronger pull. These
variations act as multipliers on various game mechanics—distance
for ranged attacks; movement from Acrobatics checks to jump; carrying
capacity; and the like—as detailed on the chart below. For
reference, Homeworld's gravity is considered to be the standard when
compared to other planets and bodies in space.
Note that movement in zero gravity requires either a
surface from which a character can push off, or magical aid from a
spell like fly or something similar. What is more, movement
and other actions on worlds with crushingly high gravity can become
Level Movement Attack Bonus
Standard) Effects or Penalty
0-10% x10 None
10-30% x5 None
31-50% x3 None
51-70% x2 None
71-90% x1.25 None
91-110% None None
111-150% x3/4 -1
151-200% x1/2 -2
201-300% x1/3 -5
301-500% x1/5 -10
501% and up Special Special
If, for some reason, the air aboard an aethership or in
a similar location becomes fouled—such as when the flying sails
and wind cordage are damaged by enemy attacks, or when the
magic in an elemental obelisk fails—then it should be
handled with the same rules used for drowning (see page 445 in the
core rulebook). It takes a DC 30 Perception check to recognize that
the air is fouled, with a cumulative +1 bonus to that check for every
round spent in the fouled air.
Note also that characters who are exposed to vacuum
stand a good chance of suffering extreme cold, too.
and Low Pressure
Just as there are no rules to govern the potentially
crushing effects of deep water during exploration of that terrain,
this article does not present mechanics for those elements.