Role of Clerics in Space Fantasy Adventures and Campaigns
While it is also true in more traditional fantasy RPG
scenarios, the party cleric(s) can play especially integral parts in
adventures and campaigns set in space. After all, being far from
Homeworld means that the cleric might be the highest-ranking member
of one's church on a particular planet. As such, that character might
be called upon to perform ceremonial duties in a variety of
circumstances, including the possibilities detailed below.
- When a child is born, there is often some kind of naming ceremony held for it, presided over by a priest and recorded in the annals of the church.
- Holidays are usually marked by some kind of observations, often including some kind of sermon or homily delivered by a leader in the faith community.
- For any major undertaking—such as a voyage of exploration or the the launching of a military expedition—the powers that be could seek a cleric's blessing at the start.
- Most cultures have a ceremony to establish the marriage of two individuals, again led by a cleric and recorded for history.
- In many societies, the coronation of a new monarch is overseen by a priest, since it is believed that said ruler is granted authority by the will of one or more gods.
- Perhaps the most important ritual, of course, is that which honors the life of a deceased person and that helps said individual's soul move on to whatever existence it is that comes after this world.