Saturday, March 8, 2025

Sources of Inspiration: The Recovery Agent

Sources of Inspiration: The Recovery Agent

Recently I needed to do some solo driving, looking at a few hours in the car each way, by myself. For that reason I checked out an audiobook on CD from the library, one that I'd noticed in print but had not made time to read. That was The Recovery Agent by Janet Evanovich. Here are my thoughts.

  • Admittedly, I'm not usually one for reading popular novels. The cover of this one caught my eye when I saw it in Costco, however. When I learned that I would need to drive to Duluth for a board meeting and a conference, then, I thought of it and checked out the audiobook on CDs from the library. I enjoyed it!

  • There is a lot of bickering between the two main characters, who are ex-spouses. That doesn't interfere with the story, however, and I grew to like both characters. It would be interesting to see this dynamic used in an RPG campaign.

  • The story digs into local superstitions, such as the Incan death deity Supay. This was an interesting decision by the author; I wonder how native people of Peru feel about the portrayal.

  • Listening to the audiobook was a good lesson in using voices for NPCs. The reader, Lorelei King, needed to voice up to four different characters at a time, and did a good job of making each one pretty distinct.

  • I was surprised by the amount of combat in this story. There was a lot of shooting and explosions, not something that I was expecting.

  • The story also left some elements unresolved. Specifying which ones would be a spoiler, though, so I'll leave those for another time.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Ritual Magic for Treasure Hunter Adventures

Now available from DrivethruRPG is "Ritual Magic," a short PDF that provides suggestions for using the Dramatic Task rules from the Savage Worlds RPG to represent magical rituals, especially for use with Treasure Hunter Adventures


Ritual Magic

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle

I found this video on Youtube this morning and am intrigued. While I'm not a video game player myself, I'm interested to see how it expands the lore of Indiana Jones. 


Monday, January 20, 2025

Freeport 2025 Campaign

I am pleased to start the new year with a new home campaign, playing Pathfinder 1E in the Freeport setting!


Freeport 2025 Campaign Notes

The Party

Al—Chug—Male island troll war priest

Aric—Tasso—Male human sorcerer (djinn bloodline)

Brent—Falco—Male halfling freebooter

Geof—Gahd—Male halfling gunslinger (musket master)

14 January 2025—“The Ironjack Legacy”

The PCs met with Martin Hawkes and he made his offer, hiring them to explore the key and clues from Jenkin Hammer, the Ironjack; Tasso talked him up to paying for half the value of treasure found along with room and board. They settled into their lodgings and had a meal (Falco had two) before heading to the Freeport Institute to investigate the first clue.

In Hammer's old workshop, Gahd found the keyhole beneath the anvil and Tasso used the key in it, opening the trap door and finding the tunnel leading downward. Chug led the way down the ladder. In the first chamber, Tasso again tried the key, activating the mechanism. They split the party to explore further, with Tasso and Chug staying by the mechanism and Falco and Gahd venturing further. After opening and closing some of the doors, they ran into the first clockwork servant!

The servant caught Gahd in its net and started to drag him away, but Falco cut the rope. Gahd's musket misfired, leaving him frustrated. Chug joined the fray, charging in to attack. Falco tumbled through the melee, too, helping to flank the enemy, and they managed to defeat the constructs.

At the end of the maze they found the chamber holding Hammer's first Might Man. Once again it was Tasso who used the key in it, activating a potent magical effect that made his hair stand on end. He identified some kind of abjuration magic. In the aftermath they had time to treat their injuries and gather up valuables they could.

Loot: An alchemist's lab (175 gp), masterwork artisan's tools (50 gp), 3 sunrods, 2 candlerods, jar of armor ointment. The remains of the intact clockwork servant—one was crushed by a descending stone block—could be worth 1000 gp or more, and Hawkes is negotiating with potential buyers.

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Reflecting on 2024 and Looking Ahead to 2025

The 2024 calendar year has been a different one for me. My players surprised me by wanting to play Star Wars, and then choosing the old D6 System. We were working through a series of scenarios that I wrote for use with Age of Rebellion, and I was converting them as we went. That campaign ended rather abruptly, however, due to a death in the family, heart surgery for one of the players, and other concerns. We went through the summer without playing, and then started the fall without a definite plan.  

I finished a few Treasure Hunter Adventures products during the year, and added another small line. Since I'd finished the Apotheosis Campaign last year, I didn't have as much to be doing. I did still release four items. Two were free PDFs that included material for which I had not found another home--Curses and The Ship in the Ice. There was also Artifacts & Enigmas of the American Revolution, which brought together some ideas on which I'd been working for a while, and tied in with the 250th anniversary of that event. 

The PDF OSS Report on the Invisible College connected to the scenarios that I wrote and ran for Con of the North. It delved into an organization that is becoming important in te campaign setting, and it's fun to see how all of this develops. 

There is also Captain Quin's Logbook: Frontier Ports of Call, which seemed like a useful supplement to me, but which has to this sold only one copy. I guess I missed the mark on that one. 

My little series People, Plots and Places of the Wild West has done a bit better, with five entries: "Riverboat," "Poker Tournament," "The Writer," "Lou's Landing & The Rendezvous" and "The Lost Cache of Killer O'Bannon." I have some more of these in the works. 

This blog turns fifteen this year! It has shifted its focus throughout the years, and at the time of this posting has 677 posts, 405,432 views and 70 followers. 

I am excited for Pathfinder Freeport (1E) after the New Year. Now that my group is back in order--and rejoined by an old player who needed some time to take care of family business. This brings us back up to five players; we'll be starting "The Ironjack Legacy," and see where it goes from there!


Saturday, December 7, 2024

Update to Appendix N for Treasure Hunter Adventures

Belatedly I realize that it's been a while since I updated my Appendix N for Treasure Hunter Adventures. This post is the first part of an effort to remedy that situation, starting with the books that were important to my two most recent projects, "Artifacts & Enigmas of the American Revolution" and "The Lost Ship."

Here's the link to earlier entries. 

Appendix N for Treasure Hunter Adventures


Title: The Queen's Conjurer: The Science and Magic of Dr. John Dee, Advisor to Queen Elizabeth I

Author: Benjamin Woolley

Publisher and Date: Holt Paperbacks, 2002


I've long been intrigued by the many influential figures in the orbit of Queen Elizabeth I, including William Shakespeare, Francis Drake, and others. This book delves into the story of Dr. John Dee, a mathematician and cartographer—and, some would say, diviner and magician. It covers his rise to power, a long and questionable partnership with Edward Kelley, and then his fall from grace, all of which provides fodder for adventure ideas.

Title: The Society for Useful Knowledge: How Benjamin Franklin and Friends Brought the Enlightenment to America

Author: Jonathan Lyons

Publisher and Date: Bloomsbury Press, 2014


Here's an example of digging into more specific topics related to the Revolutionary War. I was intrigued by figures such as Benjamin Franklin and David Rittenhouse, and this book digs more deeply into their stories—not just the roles they played in the war, but their scientific endeavors. This was the basis, of course, for the Children of Liberty.

Title: Angel in the Whirlwind: The Triumph of the American Revolution

Author: Benson Bobrick

Publisher and Date: Penguin Books, 1998


This is an excellent overview of the American Revolutionary War, covering the causes that led to it, all of the major battles and other developments, and even a little bit of the aftermath. It presents the story in a succinct and engaging way, and one can easily dig more deeply into specific topics.

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Treasure Hunter Adventures at Con of the North 2025

I am excited to say that I'll be running two session of Treasure Hunter Adventures at Con of the North 2025. This year's scenario is called "Crowning Achievement."

Con of the North 2025
