Sunday, January 29, 2017

Populating Planets

Continuing some of my recent worlds-building, I've been speculating about which monsters from the Pathfinder Bestiaries could be used on other planets. In my next few posts I'll be grouping some of these according to the ecologies that they can be used to build on different types of worlds.


Otherworldly Monsters
At first glance, the notion of populating planets in a space fantasy RPG campaign with new, exotic and challenging monsters might seem to be a daunting task. A quick review of the Pathfinder Bestiary and its sequels, however, provides plenty of options for inhabitants of different worlds. The trick here, though, is to make sure that the campaign setting's Homeworld is inhabited only by familiar creatures (that is, ones that players recognize from known mythological sources). More unusual monsters, then—that are neither constructs, undead, nor outsiders—can become inhabitants of those alien worlds.

Monster (page #)
Aboleth (8), ankheg (15), basidirond (28), behir (34), boggard (37), bulette (39), cave fisher (41), choker (45), chuul (46), cloaker (47), darkmantle (55), froghemoth (136), intellect devourer (180), morlock (209), neothelid (214), otyugh (223), purple worm (230), remorhaz (233), roper (237), shambling mound (246), shoggoth (249), skum (253), stirge (260), vegepygmy (273), violet fungus (274), xill (283), xorn (284), yellow musk creeper (285)
Akata (23), aranea (30), athach (33), aurumvorax (35), blindheim (46), bunyip (50), carnivorous blob (51), catobplepas (52), charda (55), death worm (76), decapus (77), destrachan (83), devilfish (88), dust digger (112), faceless stalker (122), frost worm (126), fungal crawler (127), gray render (140), grick (146), grindylow (148), grippli (149), gug (151), krenshar (174), magma ooze (184), mercane (188), mongrelman (191), moonflower (192), neh-thalggu (197), pech (206), phycomid (210), quickwood (228), reefclaw (234), sard (237), seugathi (243), shantak (244), skulk (248), slime mold (249), slurk (251), solifugid (253), tendriculos (259), tentamort (261), thrasfyr (263), vemerak (278), witch-wyrd (285), xtabay (289), yrthak (290)
Adaro (7), ahuizotl (10), akhlut (11), alraune (13), ascomoid (20), axe beak (29), azruverda (30), baku (31), behemeoths (36-9), brain ooze (43), carbuncle (44), carnivorous crystal (45), cecaelia (49), ceratidoidi (50), cerebric fungus (52), flumph (119), garden ooze (122), ghorazagh (124), globster (131), gorynych (137), grodair (143), grootslang (144), hodag (148), iku-turso (153), lukwata (187), mobogo (194), moon-beast (195), myceloid (196), phantom fungus (219), plasma ooze (220), popobala (221), siyokoy (246), tojanida (270), trollhound (274), vodyanoi (282), voonith (283), yithian (286), zoog (288)
Abaia (7), argus (13), astral leviathan (14), bhole (18), body thief (20-1), brethedan (23), buggane (26), colour out of space (28-9), dossenus (63), outer dragon (63-75), formian (108-13), inctulis (157), karkinoi (173), kasatha (174), leaf ray (179), lunarma (185), lur-king ray (186-7), mi-go (193), myrmecoleon (198), nependis (202), nycar (207), oma (209), pard (211), qallupilluk (224), samsaran (230), sea cat (233). shard slag (240), shobhad (242), shriezyx (244), snallygaster (247), trox (264), weedwhip (276), xanthos (282)
Aatheriexa (7), ahool (15), amphiptere (18), bagiennik (40), brain mole (46), cameroceras (49), capramace (50), cerynitis (53), cetus (54), cytillipede (65), digmaul (82), doppeldrek (85), echeneis (103), aether elemental (106-7), gegenees (118), ghoran (119), eclipse giant (121), moon giant (122), sun giant (123), grioth (137), muckdweller (175), nulmind (184), reptoid (202), rhu-chalik (203), scitalis (222), shasalqu (229), somalcygot (234), stormghost (236), stranglereed (237), tizheruk (249), tsaalgrend (251), ursikka (261), wolliped (279)

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Another PDF Compilation, Again

This post links to a PDF compilation of recent space fantasy material, including an asteroid settlement known as the Grotto, an article about creating a calendar for a campaign world, and writeups for four factions in that setting.

Aetherial Adventures 5


Sunday, January 8, 2017

The Navigators

This post presents another faction that could be used in a space fantasy or nautical Pathfinder campaign.


The Navigators
Ostensibly a professional organization dedicated to studying the galaxy and practicing the art of charting courses between bodies floating in the aether, this group is in fact the cover for a secret society. Them are obsessed with the idea that interaction between the (as they see it) male sun and the (in their view) female earth is the source of all creation. While some promote belief in the Universal Architect, they see the aforementioned relationship as a necessary emanation from that being in order to facilitate the rest of the creative act. Such notions are, it should be noted, controversial.

Goal: Discovery and, um, Knowledge
While their publicly stated goals focus on exploring the galaxy and promulgating knowledge of the planets, asteroids and other bodies that can be found in it, their unofficial activities that focus on the male-female relationship mentioned above. Indeed, in said act they see a ritual that can promote the essential virility of life in the universe, one that should be conducted over and over in order to promote such vital energies. As such, they're also dedicated to worshiping the Goddess of Love and Beauty.

Alignment: NG
Given the nature of their rituals, members of the Navigators are not accepting of social strictures that impede natural desires. On the other hand, given their respect for all living things, they also don't like doctrines that are enforced against the will of common people.

Although the hierarchy in this organization is not as strict as those in other groups, the acknowledged leader is a mystic theurge named Giovanni di Savilla—an individual who combines the studies of a diviner wizard with the passion of cleric who worships the Love Goddess.

Instead of just one location that provides a focus for the group's activities, the Navigators maintain a variety of places in which they conduct their trade and undertake their rituals. A typical example of this is a well-regarded bookshop, one in which buyers can find a variety of tomes and maps detailing the worlds of the Sol System, along with assorted curiosities and other, more mundane texts. 

1. Front Room
In the front of the shop there is a table at which the shopkeeper is stationed to receive customers.

2. Stacks
All manner of books, maps and other such items can be found throughout this area. Additionally, in the space behind the front room is a table at which visitors can sit and take their time in examining items.

3. Office
This room is furnished with a bookcase, desk and storage trunk. The latter item is sealed with a good lock, and contains the bookstore's working capital: 124 gp, 381 sp and 274 cp. There's also a ledger with a record of the shop's legitimate business transactions.

4. Stairways
In addition to the stairs that lead up to the building's upper level, a secret door (DC 20 Perception) provides access to the basement, in which the organization's more private entertainments occur. 

 5. Bedrooms
Each of these rooms is comfortably appointed, due to the relative affluence of those who run the bookshop. Furnishings include a bed and a wardrobe—along with a desk in the smaller room.

6. Study
The larger bedroom (see above) connects to a small library, a room lined with bookshelves and filled by a large writing desk. It is from here that the group's leader steers the organization, writing texts that present sacred instructions, responding to letters from the faithful, and the like.

7. Kitchen
Given their hedonistic tendencies, it should come as not surprise that this group provides plenty of food and drink for its members. As such, the kitchen is outfitted with all manner of pots, pans, dishes and utensils, along with a pantry stocked with beverages and foodstuffs, and a closet containing linens, silverware and the like.

8. Dining Room
A table and chairs here provide a place where the shop's everyday inhabitants can take their meals.

9. Lounge
This is where the society holds its meetings. There's a smaller semi-circle of chairs for more intimate groups, or a ring of couches for larger gatherings.

10. Storage
The shelves that line the walls of this room are stocked with all manner of beverage, along with dainty preserved foods and sweetmeats. There are also candles, incense, linens and the like.

11. Meeting Room
A broad table surrounded by high-backed chairs fills this space, which is reserved for those times when the group holds more formal meetings.

Using the Navigators in an Aetherial Adventures Campaign
This organization can provide plenty of plot elements for a space fantasy RPG campaign; presented here are a few of the possibilities.
  • Ostensibly, characters can seek out these Navigator chapter houses in order to find information about other planets as well as the space that lies between them. Given their expansive knowledge, members of this group are accomplished scholars and herbalists.
  • In a similar vein, a Navigator could seek to hire the PCs as part of an expedition to acquire some lost relic, bit of lore or potent magical component that the organization needs for one of its rituals or projects.
  • When the son or daughter of a high-society family decides to join the Navigators, that young person's parents asks the PCs to bring back the wayward individual. Will the PCs do so, or will they develop sympathy for the youth?
  • Those who are strong warriors, beautiful magicians, charming bards or the like might be invited to participate in one of the organization's secret rituals.
  • Indeed, this group can be used to add some drama to a campaign, should a PC fall for one of its members—one who does not believe in committed relationships. This might create difficulty for the PC in question, or for an NPC who becomes jealous and vengeful as a result.
  • One of the Navigators begins trading in secrets gained from intimate interactions with outsiders, and decides to sell that information to a rival or enemy. What is the secret, and what are others willing to do to learn it, or to see that it remains unknown?
  • A foul murder, using poison or some other stealthy means, happens at one of the Navigators' meetings that's being held as a masquerade; the ensuing investigation becomes complicated because of the illicit nature of the group's ritual activities.
  • These matters become even more complicated when an opponent of the organization accuses the Navigators of summoning demons and devils as part of their rituals. Is this claim true, or just an attempt to sully the group's already delicate reputation?
  • When a crusading group of clerics—possibly followers of the Sun God or the Universal Architect—decides to shut down this organization, one or more of its members could look to the PCs for help in leaving town quickly.

Giovanni di Savilla
CR 8
XP 4800
Male human cleric 3/wizard 3/mystic theurge 3
NG medium humanoid
Init +0; Senses Perception +3
AC 10, touch 10, flat-footed 10 (+0 Dex)
hp 38 (6d6+3d8)
Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +11
Resist None
Spd 30 ft.
Melee Quarterstaff +4 (1d6)
Ranged Shortbow +4 (1d6)
Special Attacks Spells
Str 10, Dex 10, Con 11, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 14
Base Atk +4; CMB +4; CMD 14
Feats Extra Channel, Scribe Scroll, Selective Channeling, Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus(enchantment)
Skills Craft (writing) +12, Heal +12, Knowledge (arcane) +12, Knowledge (Geography) +12, Knowledge (religion) +12, Linguistics +12, Spellcraft +9
Languages Common, Draconic, Elven, Gnomish
SQ Aura, channel energy 1d6, domains (Charm, Community), orisons; arcane bond (amulet), arcane school (enchantment), cantrips; combined spells (1st and 2nd)
Combat Gear Fancy clothing, masterwork quarterstaff, masterwork shortbow, ring of protection +1, ring of sustenance, cloak of resistance +2, elixir of love, spellbook, silver holy symbol, pouch of writing materials
Cleric Spells per Day: 4/4+1/4+1/3+1
Spells Prepared: Create water, guidance, purify food and drink, resistance; bless, charm person, comprehend languages, endure elements, protection from evil, sanctuary; calm emotions, eagle's splendor, hold person, owl's wisdom, status; dispel magic, locate object, prayer, suggestion
Wizard Spells per Day: 4/4/4/3
Wizard Spells Known: All cantrips; charm person, comprehend languages, hypnotism, identify, mage armor, sleep, true strike; daze monster, detect thoughts, fox's cunning, hypnotic pattern; arcane sight, clairaudience/clairvoyance, heroism, tongues

Giovanni di Savilla is, to put it bluntly, a hedonist. He is good-regarding his fellow people, and brilliant in his study of the heavens, but still a hedonist. That is what led him to develop his theology of divine coupling, as he calls it, and to combine the study of arcane magic with devotion toward the holy. As such, he is content to play the role of a modest research and bookseller, helping others go about their business, so long as he and his followers have time in which to conduct their own rituals.

Cleric of the Love Goddess
CR ½
XP 200
Various human cleric 1
NG medium humanoid
Init +1; Senses Perception +2
AC 13, touch 11, flat-footed 12 (+1 Dex, +2 armor)
hp 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +4
Resist None
Spd 30 ft.
Melee Light mace +0 (1d6)
Ranged Shortbow +1 (1d6)
Special Attacks Spells
Str 10, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 15, Cha 14
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 11
Feats Extra Channel, Selective Channeling
Skills Heal +6, Knowledge (religion) +3
Languages Common
SQ Aura, channel energy 1d6, domains (Charm, Community), orisons
Combat Gear Clothing, leather armor, silver holy symbol, light mace, shortbow, quiver of 20 arrows, healer's kit
Spells per Day: 3/2+1
Spells Prepared: Create water, guidance, resistance; bless, charm person, protection from evil

Some might call these clerics naive, but they would argue that their message is true: the more love that people have for each other, the better life will be for all. They are truly free spirits, always interested in going somewhere or meeting someone new.

Wizard Enchanter
CR ½
XP 200
Various human wizard 1
NG medium humanoid
Init +1; Senses Perception -1
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 (+1 Dex)
hp 7 (1d6+1)
Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +1
Resist None
Spd 30 ft.
Melee Quarterstaff +0 (1d6)
Ranged Light crossbow +1 (1d8)
Special Attacks Spells
Str 10, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 15, Wis 8, Cha 14
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 11
Feats Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus(enchantment)
Skills Craft (writing) +6, Knowledge (arcane) +6, Knowledge (geography) +6, Linguistics +6, Spellcraft +6
Languages Common, Elven, Draconic
SQ Arcane bond (amulet), arcane school (enchantment), cantrips
Combat Gear Clothing, spellbook, quarterstaff, light crossbow, case of 10 bolts, amulet, pouch with writing materials
Spells per Day: 3/2
Spells Known: All cantrips; charm person, comprehend languages, hypnotism, identify, sleep

While a little more business-minded than their cleric colleagues, the wizards who work in Mr. di Savilla's bookshop still delight in using their magic to influence the minds of others. They are friendly people who enjoy good food, good drink, and good company.

Friday, January 6, 2017

The Freebooters' Fellowship

As the first post of the new year, this one presents a band of space pirates who prey upon commercial traffic in aetherspace.


Freebooters' Fellowship
While a number of organizations—especially the Elven Navy, the Royal Interplanetary Company and the Dwarven Mining Guild—seek to monitor and even control commerce and other activities in space, there are others who wish to pursue any opportunity for profit in a completely unbridled manner. Some call them pirates, while others prefer “ladies and gentlemen of fortune,” but they refer to themselves as Freebooters.

Goal: Profit
Ultimately the Freebooters seek to turn an easy profit so that they can live comfortably. For some, that means earning enough to spend some time living well in a settlement before heading out on another voyage; others, though, seek to make that one big score that would let them settle down once and for all, leaving life on the account behind themselves and perhaps even setting themselves up as part of the local aristocracy.

Alignment: CN
While some Freebooters seek more to “rob from the rich and give to the poor,” others are bloodthirsty and wicked in their ways. The common thread, though, is a lack of concern for the laws of the Known Worlds and the space that lies between them.

This organization is unique in that it doesn't have one individual in control of it. Rather, individual captains command their own vessels, and have banded together in a loose affiliation that agrees not to interfere in each other's business. Sometimes this is more easily said than done, of course.

While they don't have their own specific base of operations, the Freebooters can often be found at the Sign of the Cup and Loaf in the asteroid settlement known as the Grotto (follow the link below for details). There are rumors of other hideouts, too, with each captain favoring a particular location. 

Using the Freebooters' Fellowship in an Aetherial Adventures Campaign
This organization can provide plenty of plot elements for a space fantasy RPG campaign; presented here are a few of the possibilities. 
  • PCs who share this organization's outlook on life could seek to join the Fellowship and then work their way upward to gain influence in it. They might have to deal with rival captains, especially those whose motivation and methods differ from their own.
  • Alternately, the PCs could find their own vessel, or one on which they're employed, under attack by cutthroats who wish to plunder valuables belonging to them or to their employers.
  • For a twist on that premise, the PCs could learn that a member of their crew is in league with the pirates and has sold them out for a share of the booty.
  • Expanding on that notion, they might even discover a broader conspiracy, one that involves high-ranking members of influential groups.
  • Once the pirates have established themselves as a system-wide menace, one or more of the powers that be offer the PCs letters of marque and reprisal to help deal with the problem once and for all.

Pirate Captain
CR 8
XP 4800
Various fighter 9
CN medium humanoid
Init +5; Senses Perception +1
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 15 (+1 Dex, +3 armor, +1 Dodge)
hp 72 (9d10+18)
Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +3
Resist Bravery +2
Spd 30 ft.
Melee Cutlass +15/+10 (1d6+7)
Ranged Shortbow +13/+8 (1d6+2)
Special Attacks None
Str 16, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 13, Cha 10
Base Atk +9; CMB +12; CMD 23
Feats Critical Focus, Dodge, Improved Critical, Improved Initiative, Lunge, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Skill Focus: Profession (sailor), Weapon Focus (cutlass), Weapon Specialization (cutlass)
Skills Climb +8, Profession (sailor) +11
Languages Common
SQ Armor training 2, weapon training 2 (light blades, bows)
Combat Gear Studded leather armor, +1 cutlass +1, shortbow +1, quiver of twenty arrows, miscellaneous personal items

The captain epitomizes the very nature of a pirate, as befits one who leads such a band of scallywags.

Pirate Crew Member, Novice
CR ½
XP 200
Various fighter 1
CN medium humanoid
Init +0; Senses Perception +0
AC 12, touch 10, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor)
hp 11 (1d10+1)
Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +0
Resist None
Spd 30 ft.
Melee Cutlass +3 (1d6+1)
Ranged Shortbow +1 (1d6)
Special Attacks None
Str 13, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 9
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 12
Feats Skill Focus: Profession (sailor), Weapon Focus (cutlass)
Skills Climb +5, Profession (sailor) +7
Languages Common
SQ None
Combat Gear Leather armor, cutlass, shortbow, quiver of twenty arrows, miscellaneous personal items

While individual personalities show a tremendous amount of variation, one quality that all of them share is the desire to win a profit for themselves no matter the legality or risk. They are intrepid souls, but also ones who sometimes are given to squabbling amongst themselves if they think that a given course of action might not be lucrative.

Pirate Crew Member, Veteran
CR 4
XP 1200
Various fighter 5
CN medium humanoid
Init +1; Senses Perception +1
AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+1 Dex, +3 armor, +1 Dodge)
hp 42 (5d10+10)
Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +1
Resist Bravery +1
Spd 30 ft.
Melee Cutlass +10 (1d6+5)
Ranged Shortbow +7 (1d6)
Special Attacks None
Str 16, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 10
Base Atk +5; CMB +8; CMD 19
Feats Dodge, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Skill Focus: Profession (sailor), Weapon Focus (cutlass), Weapon Specialization (cutlass)
Skills Climb +8, Profession (sailor) +11
Languages Common
SQ Armor training 1, weapon training 1 (light blades)
Combat Gear Studded leather armor, masterwork cutlass, masterwork shortbow, quiver of twenty arrows, miscellaneous personal items

These grizzled souls are, for the most part, just like their less experienced comrades, but their time sailing the spacelanes has taught them some important lessons—and turned them into much more dangerous foes.