- It provides a fun blend of action and story development.
- The plot involves Maroon renegades in Jamaica, an intriguing group of people whom I've included in numerous adventures that I've written for this blog.
- The dialogue does a good job of capturing the spirit from the movies. When I read it, it sounds like the actors from the films are speaking it.
- Perhaps because of that last strength, the dialogue in some of the panels is rather wordy. Although I'm a guy who loves reading, I don't want to do a lot of it when I'm reading comic books.
- The story is set between the first and second movie, which means I know that Captain Jack Sparrow can't die. To be fair, though, this is a problem with a lot of movie tie-ins.
All in all, I enjoyed the first issue; it has an engaging story that could provide fodder for adventures in the Skull & Bones or Pirates of the Spanish Main settings, and that's what matters most to me. We'll see if the second issue matches up to that.