Recently I needed to do some solo driving, looking at a few hours in the car each way, by myself. For that reason I checked out an audiobook on CD from the library, one that I'd noticed in print but had not made time to read. That was The Recovery Agent by Janet Evanovich. Here are my thoughts.
Admittedly, I'm not usually one for reading popular novels. The cover of this one caught my eye when I saw it in Costco, however. When I learned that I would need to drive to Duluth for a board meeting and a conference, then, I thought of it and checked out the audiobook on CDs from the library. I enjoyed it!
There is a lot of bickering between the two main characters, who are ex-spouses. That doesn't interfere with the story, however, and I grew to like both characters. It would be interesting to see this dynamic used in an RPG campaign.
The story digs into local superstitions, such as the Incan death deity Supay. This was an interesting decision by the author; I wonder how native people of Peru feel about the portrayal.
Listening to the audiobook was a good lesson in using voices for NPCs. The reader, Lorelei King, needed to voice up to four different characters at a time, and did a good job of making each one pretty distinct.
I was surprised by the amount of combat in this story. There was a lot of shooting and explosions, not something that I was expecting.
The story also left some elements unresolved. Specifying which ones would be a spoiler, though, so I'll leave those for another time.