Saturday, December 10, 2016

Temple of Ptah, Part 2

Presented here are stats for the clerics who occupy the temple of Ptah, a description of their daily routines, and adventures hooks for situations in which normal life is disrupted.


Daily Life in the Temple
For the most part, life in the Temple of Ptah is idyllic. The clerics' basic needs are met through contributions by the local community, who handle such things as preparing food, cleaning, washing laundry and the like. Some earn an income by copying scrolls and books, while others undertake research on behalf of patrons. Others, while pursuing their own studies, aid those who come to the temple seeking knowledge. Indeed, the temple and its library are usually open to the public, since the clerics believe that freely sharing information is the best means of promoting learning in general.

The exception to that openness is the special collection of texts and artifacts that Imhotep deems to be potentially dangerous—ones that could corrupt a mind that is not ready for considering them. These are kept in the secret library hidden in the catacombs, detailed above. Should the need ever arise, these clerics can arm themselves for battle. While they are not so dangerous in combat, the arsenal of magic that they can wield would be daunting indeed.

Adventure Hooks for the Temple of Ptah
There are many ways in which this temple can be used in a (space) fantasy campaign; here are a few of the possibilities.
  • This is, of course, a good place for the PCs to visit if they are seeking important information or are in need of healing.
  • When a plague breaks out on Homeworld, this temple becomes the center of efforts to treat those who are infected and to find a cure.
  • While they could always make an offering as payment for such services, they could also arrange to complete some kind of task—for example, accompanying a team of clerics to an important site, or perhaps helping them recover a text or relic from a dangerous location—in lieu of money.
  • Another option for a suitable party is to lead an expedition into a wilderness area in search of a rare and exotic plant or animal needed for study.
  • Taking that idea a step further, the PCs could be asked to accompany a band of missionaries who are bound for a new settlement or even a whole other world.
  • For any of the three previous options, it's always possible that rivals or enemies interfere with the process, seeking to claim the desired item, information or creature for themselves.
  • The PCs could be present when a thief infiltrates the temple and tries to steal an important item, possibly one from the secret library.
  • Alternately, they could be recruited to pursue a thief who escaped with the illicit item, with orders to see the item returned or, failing that, destroyed.
  • For a twist on that, the thief could stow away aboard their ship, and thus the PCs run afoul of the clergy who come in pursuit.
  • Conflict erupts when explorers discover a world filled with alien ruins; while the clerics of Ptah want to explore them and catalog all that is within them, others—such as agents of the Royal Interplanetary Company—claim hegemony and seek only to tear them apart for the valuable materials that they contain. 
  • A band of wererats have infested the catacombs and thus spy upon the priests and snoop into their research; just what they intend to do with the information they acquire is not clear.   

Cleric of Ptah (Initiate)
CR ½
XP 200
Various human cleric 1
LN medium humanoid
Init -1; Senses Perception +3
AC 9, touch 9, flat-footed 9 (-1 Dex)
hp 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +3, Ref -1, Will +7
Resist None
Spd 30 ft.
Melee Warhammer +0 (1d8)
Special Attacks Spells
Str 10, Dex 8, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 9
Feats Iron Will, Skill Focus
Skills Craft (writing) +10, Heal +7, Knowledge (any three) +7, Linguistics +7
Languages Common, three more
SQ Aura, channel energy 1d6, orisons, domains (artifice, knowledge)
Combat Gear Warhammer, chain shirt, light steel shield, clothing, holy symbol, books and writing materials, healer's kit (most of this is not carried during normal daily activities)
Spells per Day: 3/2+1
Spells Prepared: Detect magic, guidance, read magic; animate rope, comprehend languages, sanctuary

These clerics lead privileged lives, having been chosen to worship the Universal Architect and study what lore they can obtain from this world as well as others. They are well fed, meaning that they are generally robust, but somewhat awkward when it comes to social situations. 

Cleric of Ptah (Patriarch)
CR 6
XP 2400
Various human cleric 7
LN medium humanoid
Init -1; Senses Perception +4
AC 9, touch 9, flat-footed 9 (-1 Dex)
hp 42 (7d8+7)
Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +10
Resist None
Spd 30 ft.
Melee Warhammer +5 (1d8)
Special Attacks Spells
Str 10, Dex 8, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 19, Cha 10
Base Atk +5; CMB +5; CMD 14
Feats Improved Iron Will, Iron Will, Scribe Scroll, Skill Focus
Skills Craft (writing) +16, Heal +14, Knowledge (any three) +13, Linguistics +13
Languages Common, three more
SQ Aura, channel energy 4d6, orisons, domains (artifice, knowledge)
Combat Gear Warhammer, chain shirt, light steel shield, clothing, holy symbol, books and writing materials, healer's kit, headband of inspired wisdom +2 (most of this is not carried during normal daily activities)
Spells per Day: 4/5+1/4+1/3+1/2+1
Spells Prepared: Detect magic, guidance, read magic, resistance; comprehend languages, detect evil, detect magic, endure elements, protection from evil, sanctuary; augury, make whole, owl's wisdom, spiritual weapon, wood shape; dispel magic, invisibility purge, magic circle against evil, stone shape; divination, minor creation, tongues

These clerics are every bit as entitled and coddled as their lower-ranking brethren, only more so. They enjoy extra privileges due to their seniority, including being able to call on initiates for help with their research and other projects. 

Imhotep, the High Priest
CR 12
XP 19,200
Male human cleric 13
LN medium humanoid
Init -1; Senses Perception +6
AC 9, touch 9, flat-footed 9 (-1 Dex)
hp 75 (13d8+13)
Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +15
Resist None
Spd 30 ft.
Melee Warhammer +9/+4 (1d8)
Special Attacks Spells
Str 10, Dex 8, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 23, Cha 10
Base Atk +9/+4; CMB +9; CMD 18
Feats Improved Iron Will, Iron Will, Scribe Scroll, Skill Focus (x4)
Skills Craft (writing) +19, Heal +21, Knowledge (history, local, religion) +22, Linguistics +19 
Languages Common, Elven, Draconic, Celestial
SQ Aura, channel energy 7d6, orisons, domains (artifice, knowledge)
Combat Gear Warhammer, chain shirt, light steel shield, clothing, holy symbol, books and writing materials, healer's kit, incense of meditation, headband of inspired wisdom +4 (most of this is not carried during normal daily activities)
Spells per Day: 4/5+1/5+1/5+1/5+1/4+1/3+1/1+1
Spells Prepared: Detect magic, guidance, read magic, resistance; comprehend languages, detect evil, detect magic, endure elements, protection from evil, sanctuary; augury, make whole, owl's wisdom, spiritual weapon, wood shape, zone of truth; dispel magic, helping hand, invisibility purge, locate object, magic circle against evil, stone shape; discern lies, divination, minor creation, sending, spell immunity, tongues; break enchantment, commune, fabricate, hallow, true seeing; find the path, greater dispel magic, major creation, mass owl's wisdom; dictum, legend lore

Imhotep, the high priest, is entirely dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge. He is a kind and benevolent person who seeks to help others gain enlightenment as much as himself. For that reason he rarely prepares offensive spells, except in dire circumstances when enemies or danger threaten his temple and fellow clergy members. Some say that he is too trusting and perhaps even naive, but Imhotep maintains that “Truth will always prevail over deception or falsehood, given enough time and effort.” 

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